Become a Climate Insider

You can become a Climate Insider and join a community of over 5000 people. By joining the community in Substack, you will get updates about the Climate Change Guide and the other projects from me, Laurent Cousineau.

Climate change is humanity's greatest challenge and we must act together or else face the consequences.

I'll be updating and growing this site with more and more information over time.

This Substack community will provide you with not only the major updates on my site, but also important climate change news you need to know. This Substack will also give info about my novels and other news updates.

You can also take a look at the archives, which shows previous posts.


Why Become a Climate Insider?

Whether you are:

  • passionate about climate change
  • simply curious
  • a student looking for information on climate change
  • ... or even a skeptic

This newsletter will certainly benefit you. I will also talk about other topics that may interest you.

Climate Change Newsletter

Join the Community and Newsletter (5000 Subscribers)

You can subscribe to my Substack Page or see the archives of previous posts. More great content coming soon!

Recent Articles

  1. Climate Change Guide

    Apr 23, 24 12:36 PM

    The Climate Change Guide is your guide to a more sustainable future, and will provide you with all relevant information on mankind's greatest challenge.
  2. Climate Presentations by Climate Reality

    Mar 03, 24 12:17 AM

    You can see great climate presentations by Climate Reality. They can be customized for different audiences.
  3. Make the Planet Great Again!

    Mar 02, 24 11:33 PM

    We need to make the planet great again! We will build a solar wall along the Mexican border and make the fossil fuel industry pay for it!
  4. Historical Climate Change News

    Mar 02, 24 11:25 PM

    This section includes historical climate change news you should know about. These articles span several different topics and will help you stay up-to-date.