Elon Musk Quotes

There are many inspiring and interesting Elon Musk quotes.

Why does Tesla exist? Why are we making electric cars? Why does it matter? It's because it's very important to accelerate the transition to sustainable transport. ...This is really important for the future of the world. We have record high CO2 levels. We recently passed over 403 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere. You can see the chart and it looks like a vertical line and it's still climbing and the last time there was this level of carbon concentration was 11 million years ago. That was approximately when primates started walking upright. The world was very different. We do not want to return to that situation and what that CO2 increase results in is a steadily increasing temperature so we've already increased by two degrees. In fact, that doesn't tell the whole story because the extremes of temperature increased by as much as 20 degrees and that line is going to keep going for some time into the future. It's really important - it makes a difference if we accelerate the transition to sustainable transport and beyond global warming there's just the fact that combustion cars emit toxic gases and according to an MIT study, there are 53 thousand deaths per year in the US alone from auto emissions so it stands to reason that if a vehicle is spewing toxic gas that's obviously bad for your health. And so to address this what we came up with Tesla was what we called the secret master plan.

- Elon Musk

The fundamental issue with fossil fuels is that every use comes with a subsidy. Every gasoline car on the road has a subsidy, and the right way to address that is with a carbon tax.

- Elon Musk

We need to appeal to the people and educate them to sort of revolt against this and to fight the propaganda of the fossil fuel industry which is unrelenting and enormous.

- Elon Musk

Other Quotes

When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.

- Elon Musk

Some people don’t like change, but you need to embrace change if the alternative is disaster.

- Elon Musk

If you get up in the morning and think the future is going to be better, it is a bright day. Otherwise, it’s not.

- Elon Musk

People should pursue what they’re passionate about. That will make them happier than pretty much anything else.

- Elon Musk

It is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary.

- Elon Musk

I don’t create companies for the sake of creating companies, but to get things done.

- Elon Musk

Elon Musk Quotes

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